
Paisley Natural History Society members’ night with talks and festive cheer

Thursday 5 December, 2024

Join us for an evening of talks by PNHS members and some festive cheer!

Tom Byars will give an introductory talk on the Emperor Dragonfly and Yellow-crowned Night Heron, and Craig Postlethwaite will talk on Beetles. Afterwards we will socialise and enjoy some tasty festive fayre.

This free event is open to everyone. We are a friendly group sharing our interest in wildlife.

For more information about the Paisley Natural History Society visit the website at www.paisleynaturalhistorysociety.org.uk

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Dates & Times

The Wynd Centre
6 School Wynd, Paisley, PA1 2DB
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Thu 5 Dec 19:30- 21:00

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