An introduction to looking at contemporary art.
Have you ever gone to a contemporary art gallery and thought “I don’t get it”, “How is this art?”, “My 3 year old niece could have made that”, “It’s worth how much!?”. If so, trust me, you’re not alone. This introductory course to interpreting contemporary art will explore why so many of us are left asking these kinds questions, and furthermore why it’s not always our failing that we’ve been left wondering such things! The course will be comprised of three sessions, each taking as a focus: the artist, the artwork and the viewer respectively. Through case studies, games, challenges, discussions and sneaky tricks, we will examine our preconceptions and expectations of each of these areas. Together we will work towards understanding better why so much contemporary art leaves so many of us feeling a little bit left out, and what we can do about this before our next visit to a gallery!