This talk by Rick Taylor (Community Outreach Officer, South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project) kicks off the Paisley Natural History Society 2023/24 talks programme.
Rick has been with the project since it began in 2018. Prior to that he worked on the Making the Most of Moorlands Project in Langholm, engaging locals and visitors with the fantastic wildlife of Langholm Moor, in particular the hen harriers and other raptors. Rick’s route into conservation was somewhat convoluted as he left school and joined a rock band, ended up teaching music in a Northumbrian school where he developed the outdoor education programme for disengaged youths which rekindled his desire to return to his love of wildlife.
Rick has travelled widely to study nature in Canada, Romania, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and Scandinavia (where he had an interesting discussion at gunpoint with the Russian border patrol on the Finnish / Russian border). From wolves and bears to humpbacks and orca, Rick always cherishes the time he gets to spend and work in Scotland where he found his first Golden Eagle eyrie at the age of twelve.
This free event is open to everyone. We are a friendly group sharing our interest in wildlife.
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