
The Fellowship of the New Revelation

Saturday 19 May, 2018

This group is created for any open-minded and good-willing person who seeks for the meaning and fulfilling of human existence and is or may become interested in discovering what we believe to be the most important and genuine secrets of God and Jesus Christ, spiritual and material creation, life after the physical death and the Second Coming as revealed in the still much unknown XIX-th century prophetic writings of **Jacob Lorber **and **Gottfried Mayerhofer.** These teachings that comprise more than 10,000 pages confirm, explain and greatly expand the known Christian Scriptures; they are supported by thousands of believers all over the world, but not by any particular church or representative organisation. Due to the diligence of volunteering translators, they can be found today, for free, in English, on the Internet. For necessary reference, please see: The New Revelation of Jesus Christ, His New Word and Messengers of the New Revelation on FB. We also have a couple of presentation pages here on this group’s site. Our motto here, if allowed to suggest it, will be: “***Let all that go – hold only on to love.”*** (Explantion of Scriptures 108 f. – Jacob Lorber).

A picture (in fact 2:-)) of what can be found in the New Revelation…

We think such a group could really become one of true friends, united only by the bonds of love for God, creation, humanity and each other, with a genuine interest to discover, debate and ultimately apply in their lives the moral and spiritual principles of the teachings of the New Revelation, which are indeed, the very same ones of the known Christian Bible (no matter the version). What such a group could never become is a worldly institutions or a cult, because that would betray its respect for the teachings. Truly, although the New Revelation was created more than 140 years ago, there was never a church, a sect or a secret organisation related to it, as that would have been in contradiction with its content invalidating any personal authority/ intercession, and promoting only love for God and fellowman. Christians, in particular, are encouraged to stay in their churches, but also to be real Christians, in spirit and in truth, and thus, hold on to the word of the Scriptures and not develop attachments to ceremonies, rites, traditions and made man religious regulations.

Dates & Times

Partick Burgh Halls
9 Burgh Hall Street Partick, Glasgow, G11 5LN
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Sat 19 May 17:00- 19:00