Come along every Tuesday for free tea and toast.
community health walks Come and enjoy the fresh air and meet new people and have a chat or just take in the sights of paisley. ...
One Ren and Johnstone Town Hall will be hosting Mr John Findlay for these much-loved tea dances. Expect a mix of ballroom, Latin, popular sequence ...
It seems Renfrewshire is a treasure trove of beautifully designed buildings. So anyone interested in local architecture will enjoy Paisley and District u3a’s ...
Queer Sketch Club is a life drawing club bringing together queer artists (& allies) from Paisley and beyond!
3 of the best new bands in the land, seen right here at The Bungalow!
Brand new comedy show from Iain Stirling.
Paisley’s Busy Bees Spring Trail is buzzing into town from Friday April 4th to Monday 21st April. Ten busy bees and brilliant blooms are ...
Gary Digan aka The Gerry Cinnamon Experience is the UK's premier and definitive tribute to Gerry Cinnamon. Consistently selling out venues nationwide, The Gerry Cinnamon ...
Gary Digan Aka ( The Gerry Cinna-man Experience) is the UKs Premier & Definitve Tribute to Gerry Cinnamon. Consistently selling out venues nationwide across the UK &...