
The Western Isles – Birding on the Edge

Thursday 5 January, 2023

South Uist, North Uist and Benbecula are ideally situated to attract a wide variety of birds from many different parts of the Northern Hemisphere. This Paisley Natural History Society talk by Angus Hogg will trace a typical year in the Uists, from April through to October, as well as looking at some of the current changes to the landscape through human activity. In the Spring, the rush of migrants northwards is always likely to throw up a few surprises. In Autumn it’s possible to see a Siberian warbler in the same field of view as a North American wader. These islands also support a wide range of breeding birds which have vanished from many parts of the Scottish mainland.

The free event is open to everyone.

For more information about the Paisley Natural History Society visit their website at www.paisleynaturalhistorysociety.org.uk

Dates & Times

The Wynd Centre
6 School Wynd, Paisley, PA1 2DB
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Thu 5 Jan 19:30- 21:00