
Paisley venues reveal Late and Live music gigs for Mòd Phàislig

Friday 29th September, 2023

Some of Paisley’s top venues are gearing up to host a fantastic range of music gigs and entertainment as part of the Mòd Phàislig Late and Live programme.

The Royal National Mòd returns to Paisley from 13 – 21 October 2023. It will see a diverse programme of concerts, events, exhibitions and workshops taking place in venues across the town.

The Bungalow, The Swan and The Keg, have planned an exciting ‘Late and Live’ programme of entertainment offering a fantastic opportunity to experience an excellent selection of Scottish bands, musicians, and performers bringing music from a host of music genres.

Programmer for Mòd Phàislig Late and Live, Alan McKeown, said: “Paisley is a vibrant town with a proud history that’s steeped in tradition. Having an event like the Mòd highlights this to the world.

“The Mòd is an internationally acclaimed festival that isn’t just about Gaelic music and performance. There’s an incredible variety of entertainment and a bit of something for everyone.

“If you think you know what Trad music is, you’re probably wrong. Come along and see what it’s like for yourself – it might surprise you.”

A new addition to the event this year is a dedicated Mòd Festival Club sponsored by Isle of Skye Candle Co, based at The Sneddon on Old Sneddon Street in Paisley, where people can enjoy a variety of pop-up live music sessions and entertainment for each day of the festival.

Find out more about all the events taking place as part of Mòd Phàislig.

Tha ionadan air feadh Phàislig a’ deisealachadh airson farsaingeachd de cheòl is fealla-dhà mar phàirt de phrògram Mòd Phàislig Anmoch is Beò.

Bidh Am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail a’ tilleadh gu Pàislig bho 13 – 21 Dàmhair 2023 agus bheir e prògram farsaing de chuirmean, thachartasan, thaisbeanaidhean agus bhùthan-obrach gu ionadan air feadh a’ bhaile.

Chaidh prògram ‘Anmoch is Beò’ de thachartasan a phlanadh le The Bungalow, The Swan agus The Keg, le cothrom air leth airson taghadh de chòmhlain agus luchd-ciùil Albannach fhaicinn, le ceòl bho iomadh seòrsa ciùil.

Thuirt am prògramaiche airson Mòd Phàislig Anmoch is Beò, Alan McKeown: “’S e baile beòthail a th’ ann am Pàislig, moiteil às ar n-eachdraidh agus stèidhichte air dualchas. Tha tachartas mar am Mòd a’ sealltainn seo dhan t-saoghal.

“’S e fèis ainmeil air feadh an t-saoghail a th’ anns a’ Mhòd, agus chan eil e a-mhàin mu dheidhinn ceòl agus taisbeanas Gàidhlig. Tha beairteas de chuirmean eadar-dhealaichte ann, agus rud beag airson a h-uile duine.

“Ma tha thu smaointinn gu bheil fios agad dè th’ ann an ceòl Trad, ’s mathaid gu bheil thu ceàrr. Tiugainn ann agus faic mar a tha e coltach dhut fhèin – ’s dòcha gun cur e iongnadh ort.”

Ùr dhan fhèis am-bliadhna tha Club Fèis a’ Mhòid, le taic bho Islr of Skye Candle Co, stèidhichte aig The Sneddon air Sràid Old Sneddon ann am Pàislig, far am faighear measgachadh de sheiseanan-ciùil agus aoidheachd air gach là den fhèis.


Dè tha dol / What’s on