
Paisley TH.CARS2 Building Repair

Paisley Townscape Heritage and Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme 2 (TH.CARS2) made grants available for building repair works, improvements to traditional shop fronts and small-scale works to historic buildings.

The scheme was launched in February 2017 and contributed to the regeneration of Paisley’s heritage over several years.

TH.CARS2 was a heritage-led programme. All materials, repairs and techniques were traditional and in-keeping with the age and construction of the property. Grants were made available for up to 80% of the cost of eligible building repair work and up to 90% of the cost of eligible shopfront repairs.

Paisley TH.CARS2 was funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Historic Environment Scotland and Renfrewshire Council.


Paisley TH.CARS2 Project Team
City Deal and Infrastructure Team
Chief Executive’s Service
Renfrewshire Council
Renfrewshire House
Cotton Street

Building Repairs


Public Realm

Other TH.CARS2 activities