A new year is the perfect time for your child to try a new activity by participating in one (or all!) of our free New Chapter Children’s Creative Writing Workshops between January- March.
Each of our three creative writing workshops for children in community libraries across the city will focus on a different theme and be delivered by a different writer.
For our second writing workshop we welcome author Tom Nicoll to Partick Library for an introductory session on writing funny stories. Tom is an award-winning writer of funny books for kids, including Level Up, Boyband of the Apocalypse and There’s a Dragon in my Dinner. His 13th book, and first picture book, There’s Nothing Faster Than a Cheetah was published this year. In this workshop he’ll be exploring what makes us laugh and sharing his top tips for writing funny stories. Suitable for anyone aged 7-11 who likes to laugh and/or make other people laugh.