
Go Green and Get Stylish: Discover Sustainable Mòd Phàislig Merchandise!

Monday 4th September, 2023

We’re not just about celebrating Gaelic culture; we’re also committed to making a positive impact on our planet. Our sustainable Mòd Phàislig 2023 t-shirts and hoodies are crafted from organic materials, using renewable energy and packaged sustainably.

From the moment you choose our merchandise, you’re supporting ethical and eco-conscious practices.

When your Mòd Phàislig garment reaches the end of its journey, simply scan the label inside the t-shirt, and magic happens!

Activate the freepost recovery process, and your worn-out garment will embark on a new adventure. The organic material will be carefully recovered, undergoing a transformation journey. It’s then spun into fresh new yarn, ready to be woven into brand new products.

This is the circular economy for fashion in action. We’re closing the loop, creating a sustainable cycle that reduces waste and keeps the festival spirit alive in innovative ways.

Join us in making a difference – not only during the festival but long after. Every time you wear our merchandise, you’re wearing a symbol of sustainability, style, and solidarity with the environment.

The Mòd Phàislig 2023 pre-sale has now closed.

Merchandise will be available to purchase from the Mòd pop-up shop situated in the Lesser Hall in the Methodist Church, 2 Gauze Street, Paisley PA1 1EP, from Friday 13 October to Saturday 21 October.

All pre-orders will be available for collection during the festival from the pop-up shop in the Methodist Church.

Chan ann dìreach mu bhith a’ comharrachadh cultar na Gàidhlig a tha sinn; tha sinn cuideachd dealasach a thaobh buaidh mhath a thoirt air ar planaid. Tha na leintean-t agus hudaidhean Mòd Phàislig 2023 againn uile air an dèanamh bho stuthan organach, a’ cleachdadh lùth ath-nuadhachail agus air am pacaideadh gu seasmhach.

Bhon mhionaid a thaghas tu ar marsantachd, tha thu a’ toirt taic do chleachdaidhean beusach agus eag-eòlach.

Nuair a ruigeas do thrusgan Mòd Phàislig deireadh a thurais, dìreach sgan an leubail am broinn an lèine-t, agus bidh draoidheachd a’ tachairt!

Cuir an gnìomh am pròiseas tillidh an-asgaidh, agus tòisichidh an trusgan caithte agad air cuairt-dànachd ùr. Thèid an stuth organach fhaighinn air ais gu faiceallach, a’ dol air turas cruth-atharrachaidh. Tha e an uairsin air a shnìomh ann an snàth ùr, deiseil airson a bhith air fhighe a-steach do thoraidhean ùra.

Is e seo an eaconamaidh chearcallach airson fasan air a chur an gnìomh. Tha sinn a’ dùnadh an lùib, a’ cruthachadh cearcall seasmhach a lughdaicheas sgudal agus a chumas spiorad na fèise beò ann an dòighean ùr-ghnàthach.

Thig còmhla rinn gus eadar-dhealachadh a dhèanamh – chan ann a-mhàin tron fhèis ach fada às dèidh sin. Gach uair a chuireas tu ort ar marsantachd, bidh samhla de sheasmhachd, stoidhle agus dlùth-chàirdeas agad ris an àrainneachd.

Tha ro-reic Mòd Phàislig 2023 a-nis dùinte.

Bidh cothrom ann fhathast batharan a cheannach bho bùth a’ Mhòid ann an Talla Lesser sa Methodist Church, 2 Gauze Street, Pàislig PA1 1EP, bho Dhihaoine 13 Dàmhair gus Disathairne 21 Dàmhair.

Gheibhear batharan a chaidh a cheannach sa ro-reic a thogail tron fhèis bho bhùth a’ Mhòid anns an Methodist Church.

Dè tha dol / What's on