
Grab some Buddie Good Deals in Paisley town centre from Saturday 14 October until Saturday 28 October.

Paisley First have a great range of businesses offering deals from £5 to £30 to helping locals make the most of the October school break or do some early bird Christmas shopping.

If you’re visiting us for Mòd Phàislig 2023, we’ve got some Buddie Good Deals for you too.

Local shops, bars, restaurants and services all have deals available for you. Fàilte gu Pàislig!

All the details are available here (click on the link below):

Buddie Good Deals from Paisley First (Gaelic version) (pdf)

Remember, around 70p in every £1 spent local, stays local.

Renfrewshire is home to many fantastic businesses. We can all support them by spending local where we can.


“Buddie Good Deals” aig Mòd Phàislig 2023

Faigh grèim air cuid de Buddie Good Deals ann am meadhan baile Phàislig bho Dhisathairne 14 Dàmhair gu Disathairne 28 Dàmhair.

Tha raon math de ghnìomhachasan aig Paisley First a tha a’ tabhann cùmhnantan eadar £5 agus £30 gus muinntir an àite a chuideachadh gus am feum as fheàrr a dhèanamh de shaor-làithean sgoile an Dàmhair no beagan seopadaireachd Nollaige an eòin thràith a dhèanamh.

Ma tha sibh a’ tadhal oirnn airson Mòd Phàislig 2023, tha Buddie Good Deals againn dhuibh cuideachd.

Tha barganan rim faighinn dhut aig bùthan, bàraichean, taighean-bìdh is seirbheisean ionadail. Fàilte gu Pàislig!

Tha a h-uile mion-fhiosrachadh ri fhaighinn an seo (cliog air a’ cheangal gu h-ìosal):

Cuimhnich, tha timcheall air 70sg anns a h-uile £1 a thèid a chaitheamh gu h-ionadail a’ fuireach ionadail.

Tha Siorrachd Rinn Friù na dhachaigh do dh’iomadh gnìomhachas air leth. Faodaidh sinn uile taic a thoirt dhaibh le bhith a’ cosg gu h-ionadail far an urrainn dhuinn.

Fàilte gu Pàislig!

We’re not just about celebrating Gaelic culture; we’re also committed to making a positive impact on our planet. Our sustainable Mòd Phàislig 2023 t-shirts and hoodies are crafted from organic materials, using renewable energy and packaged sustainably.

From the moment you choose our merchandise, you’re supporting ethical and eco-conscious practices.

When your Mòd Phàislig garment reaches the end of its journey, simply scan the label inside the t-shirt, and magic happens!

Activate the freepost recovery process, and your worn-out garment will embark on a new adventure. The organic material will be carefully recovered, undergoing a transformation journey. It’s then spun into fresh new yarn, ready to be woven into brand new products.

This is the circular economy for fashion in action. We’re closing the loop, creating a sustainable cycle that reduces waste and keeps the festival spirit alive in innovative ways.

Join us in making a difference – not only during the festival but long after. Every time you wear our merchandise, you’re wearing a symbol of sustainability, style, and solidarity with the environment.

The Mòd Phàislig 2023 pre-sale has now closed.

Merchandise will be available to purchase from the Mòd pop-up shop situated in the Lesser Hall in the Methodist Church, 2 Gauze Street, Paisley PA1 1EP, from Friday 13 October to Saturday 21 October.

All pre-orders will be available for collection during the festival from the pop-up shop in the Methodist Church.

Chan ann dìreach mu bhith a’ comharrachadh cultar na Gàidhlig a tha sinn; tha sinn cuideachd dealasach a thaobh buaidh mhath a thoirt air ar planaid. Tha na leintean-t agus hudaidhean Mòd Phàislig 2023 againn uile air an dèanamh bho stuthan organach, a’ cleachdadh lùth ath-nuadhachail agus air am pacaideadh gu seasmhach.

Bhon mhionaid a thaghas tu ar marsantachd, tha thu a’ toirt taic do chleachdaidhean beusach agus eag-eòlach.

Nuair a ruigeas do thrusgan Mòd Phàislig deireadh a thurais, dìreach sgan an leubail am broinn an lèine-t, agus bidh draoidheachd a’ tachairt!

Cuir an gnìomh am pròiseas tillidh an-asgaidh, agus tòisichidh an trusgan caithte agad air cuairt-dànachd ùr. Thèid an stuth organach fhaighinn air ais gu faiceallach, a’ dol air turas cruth-atharrachaidh. Tha e an uairsin air a shnìomh ann an snàth ùr, deiseil airson a bhith air fhighe a-steach do thoraidhean ùra.

Is e seo an eaconamaidh chearcallach airson fasan air a chur an gnìomh. Tha sinn a’ dùnadh an lùib, a’ cruthachadh cearcall seasmhach a lughdaicheas sgudal agus a chumas spiorad na fèise beò ann an dòighean ùr-ghnàthach.

Thig còmhla rinn gus eadar-dhealachadh a dhèanamh – chan ann a-mhàin tron fhèis ach fada às dèidh sin. Gach uair a chuireas tu ort ar marsantachd, bidh samhla de sheasmhachd, stoidhle agus dlùth-chàirdeas agad ris an àrainneachd.

Tha ro-reic Mòd Phàislig 2023 a-nis dùinte.

Bidh cothrom ann fhathast batharan a cheannach bho bùth a’ Mhòid ann an Talla Lesser sa Methodist Church, 2 Gauze Street, Pàislig PA1 1EP, bho Dhihaoine 13 Dàmhair gus Disathairne 21 Dàmhair.

Gheibhear batharan a chaidh a cheannach sa ro-reic a thogail tron fhèis bho bhùth a’ Mhòid anns an Methodist Church.

Dè tha dol / What's on

Get involved with Loves Local Week

It’s the first Scotland Loves Local Week – the campaign organised by Scotland’s Towns Partnership celebrating the many reasons to love local.

There’s a fantastic range of shops, cafes, restaurants and bars across all Renfrewshire town and villages.

Everyone can do their bit supporting the local community and its businesses by spending local, with around 70p from every pound spent locally staying locally.

There’s even a Renfrewshire Gift Card you can buy online which is accepted across a growing range of local shops.

Henderson’s Flowers

Flowers, coffee, pies, cakes, cards, specialist snacks and soap – you name it, Renfrewshire has it.

Rhea Henderson works at Henderson’s Flowers in Johnstone, the high street shop first established by her great grandfather.

“It is quite special for me to work here, my dad is really proud,” says Rhea. “I’ve worked here now for a year and a half, and growing up I would always be in helping out on a Saturday.

“It’s good to see high streets doing well and we need local people to spend local. I enjoy making relationships with our regular customers, many have been coming here for more than 50 years.”

Food Forty Six

Gary Clark, who runs Food Forty Six on Paisley High Street, is also enjoying serving the local community.

He said: “We are most proud of the community atmosphere we have created and it’s really rewarding to see regular customers strike up friendships with each other.

“There are so many reasons to shop locally, from enhancing the local economy to reducing travel times and your carbon footprint.

“Local support is vital to the survival of small town centre businesses and in most cases, you are supporting a local person or family, which is all the encouragement people should need.”

HandCrafted Coffee

Fifer Gary Scott is now a firm fixture in Lochwinnoch where he runs HandCrafted Coffee.

“I never set out to do retail,” explains Gary. “I used to sell my products from my house, but needed bigger premises. I noticed the Lochwinnoch shop was up for grabs, and we’ve been open nearly four years now.

“I’d urge people to support small independent retailers wherever they can. Small shops aren’t about chasing profit, we’re part of the community and the community are part of us.

“We can take the time to stop and listen to our customers and we always give the kids a wee wrapped chocolate. It’s nice to see the families who visit as they grow up.”


Love local, spend local

Feeling insprired? Why not get involved and support our ongoing Spend Local campaign? Print off a poster, stick a badge in your window or just shout on social about your favouite businesses.


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We have pulled together some of Renfrewshire’s quirky and unusual days out that are packed full of fun and are just a bit different to your standard family outing.

Theatre on the Lawn – Finlaystone Country Park

Pack a picnic, bring a rug and join Mr Todd, Mole, Ratty and Badger on their mad-cap adventures in Quantum Theatre’s adaptation of Wind in the Willow’s, taking place in the gorgeous grounds of Finlaystone Country Park. Make sure you pack for all weather, even if it is raining, as they say in the industry – the show must go on!

  • Where: Finlaystone Country Park
  • When: Friday 7 July, 5.50pm – 7pm
  • Price: Adult £16, Child £11, Family £46

Renfrew Comic Con – Robertson Park

Calling all superheroes, and villains. It’s time to dress up the kids…and adults and fly over to Robertson Park in Renfrew for the BGCP Comic Con. Meet your favourite characters and browse over 50 traders selling toys and crafts. Pack a power snack and liquid fuel to make a day of it in the park.

  • Where: Robertson Park, Renfrew
  • When: Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 July, 10am – 4pm
  • Price: Free entry

BRICKLIVE Mythical Beasts – Paisley

It’s not every day you see a nine headed water serpent or an immortal winged horse in Paisley town centre. This summer, thanks to the BRICKLIVE Mythical Beasts trail you will. This exciting unusual day out brings the fascinating world of creatures from mythology to life using toy bricks. Meet the Hippogriff, a legendary creature with the front half of an eagle and the hind half of a horse or track down the wise Owl of Athena and listen our for the melody of the mermaid, or the roar of the feared one-eyed Cyclops. There are 18 different BRICKLIVE models to find, pick up a trail leaflet and a free activity sheet from the Paisley Centre and the Piazza Shopping Centre and let the adventure begin!

  • Where: Paisley Town Centre
  • When:  Saturday 24 June until Sunday 13 August
  • Price: Free

Strawberry picking – East Yonderton Farm

Juicy strawberries and sunny summer days – does it get any better? Strawberry picking season has officially started but be quick they won’t be around for long. Entry is free and you pay for what you pick. Call ahead to reserve your space – 0141 889 3492.

  • Where: East Yonderton Farm
  • When: Daily throughout the summer, until the fruit has all been picked.
  • Price: Free entry, pay for what you pick

Wild Night – Finlaystone Country Park

Wild Night at Finalystone is a great camping experience out for kids and adults. Pitch up at Finalystone Country Park with all your essentials; tent, sleeping bags, food and refreshments.

There will be a welcoming family campsite with a large campfire and games for the kids all hosted by a Senior Scout who can also help you with any questions you might have about pitching your tent or building a den.

  • Where: Finlaystone Country Park
  • When:  Saturday 22 July
  • Price: Adult £18.50, Child £14

Summer Film Sessions – Ikea Glasgow

You normally see pop up cinemas in car parks, a park or even on a roof top but it’s not every day one pops up in your local furniture store. Ikea Glasgow are hosting three nights of family movies which are free to Ikea family members (free to sign up. For an unusual day out (or should we say night our) at the cinema visit their website and book in now.

  • Where: Ikea, Braehead Shopping Centre
  • When:  Monday 17 to Wednesday 19 July
  • Price: Free

More inspiration

Restoration & Creation on Paisley’s Browns Lane is supporting shoppers, backing business and saving furniture from landfill.

“We got carried away with chairs; it was never meant to be chairs,” jokes Caroline Sweeney, a former globetrotting IKEA manager now running her own home interiors and upcycling business in Paisley.

She adds: “IKEA was probably one of the best companies in the world ever to work for. I spent 20 years living and working abroad in the Middle East and across Europe.

“I always missed Scotland and I wanted to come home and run my own business.

“Customers at IKEA were looking for more sustainable furniture and for something custom-made, something they couldn’t get anywhere else so that’s what I have focused my business on.”

A creative hub

Caroline established Restoration & Creation on Browns Lane, a creative hub in the grounds of a former stables.

Alongside Caroline’s chairs, there’s exhibition, retail and making space as well as room to run a range of workshops.

Recent funding from the Council has enabled Caroline to welcome five more makers to base themselves at the hub, making and selling their handmade products.

This includes Sandra and Gary Nesbitt, aka BlackCat Upcyclers.

“Gary is the maker; I’m the artist,” explains Sandra, their combined talents put to upcycling furniture and making custom-made pieces for indoors and outdoors.

Sandra works for Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership supporting young adults with autism and complex learning disabilities.

Sandra says: “I would love to run workshops for people with learning disabilities and autism. I show them how to upcycle things and each year there’s an event selling what they’ve made. It’s so lovely seeing their faces light up at people buying their products.

Sandra met her husband Gary 11 years ago after he’d changed careers from joinery into healthcare.

Gary adds: “We love upcycling, and we feel it’s so important to show people what can be done with unwanted furniture or items heading for landfill. Moving to the hub gives us the opportunity for people to come in and see what we do and how we do it.”

Alongside Sandra and Gary’s workspace is Gryffe Casting Studio.

It’s run by Emma Lewis, a former hotel revenue manager, whose business sees her make casts of hands, baby bumps and capture family bonds.

Emma says: “I’m focusing myself as a family casting specialist, there’s so many variations and ways to capture special moments in life.

“I was working from the shed in my garden which meant my business was hidden away, and I missed the banter with colleagues from working in hotels.

“The camaraderie between us all at the hub is fantastic, we’re all aiming for the same goals and all supporting each other, sharing each other’s social pages, learning from each other, encouraging each other.”

Keeping tradition alive

For Kinda Zackry, being part of the hub is helping her to keep the tradition of porcelain painting alive.

Kinda learned about porcelain painting while living in Dubai, the process involving four firings in a kiln, each with 24 hours to cool down then up to four more days painting depending on the intricacy of the artwork.

“We didn’t have YouTube or other media, so after learning from a Japanese lady, I went on and bought lots of books and taught myself more and more,” says Kinda, who lives in Bridge of Weir.

“Moving into the hub I was scared as it’s my first time running my own business and being responsible for everything, but I feel ready to take that step.

“I want to grow, for everyone to know my name, to come here and to ask for a painting and I want to share my skills as nowadays there are fewer porcelain painters in the world so I’d like to help to keep it alive.”

Come on down and explore the Mythical Beasts summer trail in Paisley town centre.

Running from Saturday 24 June to Sunday 13 August, the Mythical Beasts summer trail is sure to be popular with local families and visitors to the town.

The majestic Hippogriff and the Owl of Athena will be allies – but beware of the likes of the vengeful Minotaur, the fearsome four-headed Chimera and the seven-headed Hydra, who won’t be as friendly!

The trail is free, and with 18 different beasts to find, it’s fun for the whole family.

Find out more about this BrickLive summer trail hosted by Paisley First

Trail maps showing participating businesses are available from the Piazza Shopping Centre and The Paisley Centre.

While you’re here

Why not grab a great bite to eat or drink, explore a walking trail, or feast your eyes on some iconic street art.

Paisley’s Hedgehog Trail runs from Friday 28 April until Tuesday 9 May.

Try this fun family trail in Paisley town centre and see if you can spot all the hedgehogs that have made their way here.

It’s a great, free activity for Bank Holiday weekends – and it’s national Hedgehog Awareness Week!

All lovingly made by Bears by Sue Quinn (based at Lawn Street, Paisley), these 10 adorable hedgehogs are in the windows of local businesses. Can you find them all?

Once you complete the trail, pop an entry form in one of the special hedgehog postboxes to be entered into a prize draw.

You can get all the details and a trail map on the Paisley First website. You can also pick up a trail map from the Piazza Shopping Centre or the Paisley Centre.



Paisley’s Spring Gonk Trail is coming to Paisley town centre from Friday 31 March until Sunday 16 April.

10 gonks in local business windows have ventured out from their wintry barns to soak up the Spring sunshine.

Find and name them all, then write down the Letter Clue to discover where children can collect a free Creme Egg for completing the trail.

Plus, two winners will be chosen at random to win bumper Spring Hampers from Paisley First.

Colette Cardosi, Chair of Paisley First, said: “It’s been a long winter for everyone but brighter days are definitely on the way!

“Paisley town centre businesses have everything you need to help you enjoy a great day out.

“Our Spring Gonk Trail is the perfect activity to get everyone out in the fresh air and have some free, family fun at the same time!”

As always, leaflets will be available from either the Piazza Shopping Centre or The Paisley Shopping Centre or you can download your own copy from the Paisley First website.

Once you have completed the trail and collected your free Crème Egg, just post your entry form in one of the special Easter postboxes located in either of the
shopping centres to be entered into the prize draw.

Love the school holidays? Love Paisley this Easter.

Paisley First have a great range of businesses offering deals from £5 to £30 to help you make the most of March!

A huge range of offers are available across Paisley town centre’s fantastic food and drink, retail, leisure and health, and hair and beauty businesses.

How about a breakfast or lunch deal for just £5?
Or Easter gifts, jewellery and home furnishings available from just £10.

Treat yourself to a salon blow dry for just £15! Spend £5 more and you could get a cut and blow dry, or brow lamination with brow wax and tint.

Choose from a homemade sharing pizza platter or takeaway afternoon tea for 4 for just £25, or how about a pampas wreath making class, a box frame or a Maci
Swarovski necklace?

And for just £30, choose from a 30-minute massage, a luxury hair and make-up session, a tartan tie, sewing club passes or some unmounted art prints!

Paisley businesses promoting Buddie Good Deals

Colette Cardosi, Chair of Paisley First, said:” These are just some of the deals available so whether you are wanting to catch up with friends for some food and drink, looking for a pick me up to banish those winter blues, or just need some retail therapy, Paisley has you covered whatever your budget!

“Our local businesses offer great value for money and remember, for every £1 spent locally, 70p stays in the local economy.”

So, head to Paisley and enjoy some Buddie Good Deals from Saturday 18 March – Saturday 1 April.

Pick up a leaflet with the full list of Buddie Good Deals from leaflet racks in either the Piazza or the Paisley Centre, or visit the Paisley First website.

Love local, love Paisley!

Paisley First has launched two fantastic projects shining a spotlight on the town centre’s fantastic food and drink venues.

The Business Improvement District for Paisley town centre has published a new illustrated Food and Drink map, detailing the area’s hospitality venues – which you can see below.

This handy guide highlights venues including cafes, restaurants, bars and takeaway businesses.

The Food and Drink Map also includes illustrations of more than 20 businesses representing the variety of food and drink on offer, as well as reflecting the geographical spread of hospitality venues throughout the town centre.

Paisley town centre food and drink map Paisley First Food & Drink map

As well as the map, you can also enjoy Paisley’s Slug in the Bottle Pub Trail, paying homage to the landmark legal case which changed the world by establishing consumer rights.

May Donoghue successfully sued a local ginger beer manufacturer after finding a decomposed slug in her bottle of ginger beer in a Paisley café in 1928.

Almost 100 years on, bars and pubs are host to traditional ales and spirits, craft beers, premium gins and whiskies as well as classic and not so classic cocktails.

With a variety of street food and pub food on offer as well as live music, sports and a range of entertainment, there’s something to suit every taste and budget.

Paisley First Slug in a Bottle Trail Map

To take part in Paisley’s Slug in the Bottle Pub Trail, simply collect a slug stamp from 10 different participating pubs and bars.

Once you have completed the trail, you will receive an exclusive Slug in the Bottle Pin Badge and be entered into Paisley First’s monthly prize draw to win a £25 hospitality voucher.

Paisley Food and Drink Maps and Paisley’s Slug in the Bottle Pub Trail leaflets can be picked up from the Paisley First leaflet racks in both the Piazza Shopping Centre and the Paisley Centre.

For more information, visit the Paisley First website below.

Paisley has a growing food and drink scene and our fantastic hospitality venues are helping to put Paisley firmly on the map. We are grateful to our town centre businesses who help fund all our projects as we welcome back families and friends for those all-important days and nights out!”

Colette Cardosi
Chair of Paisley First

Enjoy A Taste of Renfrewshire with these great food and drink videos