
Anxiety is something that most of us will experience at different stages of life. But sometimes when things get overwhelming, anxiety can get out of control, and it can have impacts on your mental health. However, there are lots of simple ways to manage your anxiety.

Over the last few years, the pandemic, social isolation and the rising cost of living, have led to an increased social awareness of anxiety. Which is why the Mental Health Foundation have chosen anxiety as the theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week.

Anxiety is usually associated with the thought of a threat or something going wrong in the future, but it can also arise from something happening right now. It’s a totally normal emotion and comes from a human response to stress or perceived danger. You might be feeling anxious about exams, relationships or work. Or you might be worried about money, heating bills or paying your rent. However, for some people, the feelings of anxiety can become overwhelming and it starts to impact on other aspects of their life.

If you suffer with anxiety, you should know you’re not alone. In March 2023, the Mental Health Foundation conducted an online survey of 6,000 UK adults aged 18+. Nearly three-quarters of the group (73%) had felt anxious at least sometimes in the previous two weeks. Furthermore, one in five people (20%) feel anxious most of or all of the time.

Ways to cope

The ways people cope with anxiety differ from person to person, but there are some well evidenced things that can help. Keeping a journal, getting support for money worries, connecting with other people, and talking about how you’re feeling. These can all help give you perspective on what’s going on around you.

We know that spending time in nature has a positive impact on our mental health. It can help us feel calmer and less stressed. Sitting in nature can help give you a sense of peace and can connect you to your environment. Nature can be anything from opening your windows and listening to the birds, to going for a walk in the great outdoors.

A study done by Exeter University has arrived at a definitive minimum amount of time spent in nature that yields tangible results. Just two hours of outdoor time a week is enough to see a marked increase in the benefits. And it doesn’t even have to be in one go…you could spend 20 minutes a day in your local park or save up and binge on a long walk at the weekend; the result is the same. –  Bill Bailey’s Remarkable Guide to Happiness

Finding calm in Renfrewshire

We’re fortunate in Renfrewshire to have great options for places to get connected to nature. From local parks to riverside forests. We asked our followers on Instagram for suggestions of where they like to go for peace and calm. Here is the top three.

Barshaw Park Walled Peace Garden

Barshaw Park Walled Peace Garden

This tranquil garden is an oasis of calm not far from Paisley town centre. Managed by the Friends of Barshaw Park, the garden was originally the kitchen garden of Barshaw House. Built in 1798, the high walls and surrounding trees create a microclimate, allowing a wide variety of plants to thrive.

In 1986 the garden was dedicated as a Peace Garden, and there is a white peace pole at the centre of the garden, where memorial events are held throughout the year. The garden is a peaceful place for calm and reflection, and with wide flat paths, it’s a space everyone can enjoy.

Sunset in Locherwood

Locherwood Community Woodland

Just off the B756, Locherwood is a beautiful network of trails with vast views stretching across Renfrewshire. The woods are home to an abundance of wildlife, including roe deer and black and red grouse. There are two main circular walks – a 2km Locherwood trail and the longer 7km Ladymuir trail. The rural nature of Locherwood means it’s often very quiet.

Glen Park

Gleniffer Braes

Accessible from both Johnstone and Paisley, the Braes is home to tons of wildlife and incredible views stretching in all directions. Favourite places for a peaceful wander include Glen Park, with its winding trails and waterfalls. The Tannahill Walkway with views over Paisley to the Kilpatrick Hills and Ben Lomond in the distance. And Glenburn Reservoir with wide open grassland and highland coos. We have a few komoot routes around the Braes, including an easy walk around Glen Park.

Reach out

If you are having a hard time with anxiety, or any other form of poor mental health, you can reach out to Recovery Across Mental Health (RAMH). RAMH supports people across Renfrewshire with recovery from mental ill health. They can support in several ways including one-to-one counselling, social support and self-management.

Renfrewshire Council also have a list of organisations you can contact for mental health support, including crisis care and freephone helplines.

Find peace outside

Scotland’s home for manufacturing innovation has taken another major step forward with confirmation of its development partner.

Renfrewshire Council is leading development of the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS).

The district, based around Glasgow Airport at Netherton, Inchinnan and Westway, promises to bring thousands of high skilled jobs by attracting UK and international advanced manufacturing companies to locate here.

The partnership

Renfrewshire Council is forming a Development Partnership LLP with Tarras Park Properties Ltd, part of Buccleuch Property, to secure investment into AMIDS.

This follows technical support from Avison Young to the Council to secure the development partner and will see Buccleuch fund a 3,400-square metre facility for start-ups and SMEs as part of up to £7.6million towards the initial development phases.

AMIDS centres on a 52-hectare Council-owned site, Netherton,being transformed into a modern, sustainable, employee-focused centre for manufacturing companies to locate to, where they can access advanced manufacturing technology and collaborate with specialists.

It’s home to the new University of Strathclyde-operated National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) flagship facility and the state-of-the-art CPI Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre.

Glasgow City Region City Deal funding delivered the underpinning infrastructure which is now complete and the Council has also added a central square and Scotland’s first, fifth-generation renewable energy heating network to supply low carbon heating.

What they said

Renfrewshire Council Leader, Iain Nicolson: “AMIDS is already delivering on its aims to attract jobs and growth into Renfrewshire and make Scotland’s manufacturing sector a leading player on the global stage.

“Manufacturing innovation is in Renfrewshire’s DNA. From textile production of the famous Paisley Pattern to spitfire engines and steam boilers, so much capability and technology came from Renfrewshire and was exported worldwide.

“Today companies here remain right at the forefront of cutting-edge manufacturing, AMIDS home to renowned international manufacturers Rolls Royce, Boeing and Doosan Babcock and major life science and biotech science firms Thermo Fisher Scientific, Terumo Aortic and Peak Scientific.

“Some 8000 people work in manufacturing roles in Renfrewshire, contributing more than £770million into the economy and this new partnership will enable us to take the district to the next level and achieve long-term growth, providing a major boost to the local, regional and Scottish economy, while supporting manufacturers to innovate and transition to net zero.”

Edinburgh-based development partners Buccleuch have a UK-wide investment portfolio and have helped deliver a range of business park, bespoke building and commercial regeneration developments including Shawfair Park in Midlothian and Aberdeen Energy and Innovation Parks.

Sandy Smith, Development Director, Buccleuch Property: “AMIDS is a fantastic opportunity for Buccleuch and we are delighted to be appointed as partner to the LLP. The attraction of a high-profile site that is home to two pioneering anchor institutions and sitting alongside Renfrewshire Council and its academic partners, is obvious, and allows us to capitalise on our extensive expertise in the knowledge sector.

“We believe AMIDS is a great place to expand Scotland’s advanced manufacturing sector. Netherton is master-planned to accommodate businesses of all sizes and Buccleuch’s first action, working collaboratively with Renfrewshire Council and other stakeholders, is to deliver start-up and scale-up research and manufacturing space to meet demand from Scotland’s entrepreneurs and we will start work on these proposals immediately.

“In parallel, we have the opportunity to deliver bespoke property solutions to businesses seeking to join Renfrewshire Council’s and Buccleuch’s vision for AMIDS.”

Find out more

To mark World Gaelic Week (Seachdain na Gàidhlig), Grant McFarlane, coordinator for local arts and culture group Fèis Phàislig, shares his love for Gaelic culture and his excitement for Paisley hosting The Royal National Mòd later this year. 

The second annual Seachdain na Gàidhlig runs from 20 – 26 February.

This year’s celebrations are under the theme of ‘Coming Together’ and prioritise bringing communities together and promoting the importance and use of Gaelic language. 

Grant McFarlane

Grant said: “I’m a Gaelic learner myself. It’s such an integral part of our history and heritage and it’s been a brilliant experience finding out more about Gaelic culture and language. 

“To celebrate Seachdain na Gàidhlig, Fèis Phàislig will be holding a family ceilidh at the Wynd Centre in Paisley on Saturday 25 February that showcases the songs and poems of Bàrd Phàislig which he wrote while he lived in the town – it also marks our first post-covid performance. 

“I think it’ll be a wonderful thing for people to come along to – even if it’s just learning a few words or hearing a bit of Gaelic music for the first time.” 

Paisley’s celebrations for Seachdain na Gàidhlig also mark the start of the countdown to the town hosting The Royal National Mòd – a decade since it last staged the prestigious event. 

Mòd Phàislig, organised by An Comunn Gàidhealach, is expected to bring thousands of visitors and competitors to the town for the nine-day festival which will take place at venues across Paisley from Friday 13 – Saturday 21 October.  

The Mòd festival, Scotland’s premier celebration of Gaelic culture and heritage, will feature a range of competitive disciplines, including Gaelic song, poetry, literature, drama, instrumental, Highland dancing and sport.  

The Mòd fringe will see a range of events and opportunities for people to experience and enjoy everything Gaelic arts and culture have to offer, including activities for children and families, alongside the main festival programme. 

Mòd Phàislig 2023

 “The Mòd is a fantastic opportunity to showcase the Gaelic culture that is thriving in the town since the event was last here in 2013. Organisations like the Fèis have come to life and there’s a real community in Renfrewshire for Gaelic culture and the Mòd is a great opportunity to develop and expand that community,” said Grant. 

Grannd MacPhàrlain a-mach air Seachdain na Gàidhlig

Gus Seachdain na Gàidhlig a chomharrachadh, tha Grannd MacPhàrlain, co-òrdanaiche na buidhne ealain is cultair ionadail Fèis Phàislig, ag innse mun mheas a th’ aige air cultar na Gàidhlig agus gu bheil e air bhioran gum bi Pàislig a’ cumail a’ Mhòid Nàiseanta Rìoghail nas fhaide am-bliadhna.  

Bidh an dàrna Seachdain na Gàidhlig bhliadhnail a’ ruith eadar 20 – 26 Gearran. Is e cuspair Seachdain na Gàidhlig am bliadhna ‘Tighinn Còmhla’ agus bithear a’ toirt prìomhachas do choimhearsnachdan a thoirt  còmhla agus cudromachd is cleachdadh na Gàidhlig a bhrosnachadh.  

Thuirt Grannd: “’S e neach-ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig a th’ annam fhìn. Tha e na phàirt cho bunaiteach de ar n-eachdraidh agus ar dualchas agus tha e air a bhith sgoinneil faighinn a-mach barrachd mu chultar is cànan na Gàidhlig.  

“Airson Seachdain na Gàidhlig a chomharrachadh, bidh Fèis Phàislig a’ cumail cèilidh teaghlaich aig Ionad Wynd ann am Pàislig air Disathairne 25 Gearran leis na h-òrain agus na dàin aig Bàrd Phàislig a rinn e fhad ’s a bha e a’ fuireach sa bhaile – agus ’s e seo cuideachd a’ chiad chuirm againn às dèidh covid.  

“Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bi e mìorbhaileach do dhaoine tighinn ann – fiù dìreach airson facal no dhà ionnsachadh no beagan ceòl Gàidhlig a chluinntinn airson a’ chiad uair.”  

Bidh Seachdain na Gàidhlig cuideachd na ro-bhlasad dhen ghàirdeachas a chì Pàislig nuair a chumas am baile am Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail – deich bliadhna bhon a chùm iad an tachartas cliùiteach mu dheireadh.  

Tha dùil gun toir Mòd Phàislig, air a ruith leis a’ Chomunn Ghàidhealach, na mìltean de luchd-tadhail is farpaisich don bhaile airson na fèis naoi-latha a bhios a’ tachairt air feadh Phàislig eadar Dihaoine 13 – Disathairne 21 Dàmhair.   

Bidh Am Mòd, prìomh fhèis na h-Alba airson cultar is dualchas na Gàidhlig, a’ nochdadh raon de dh’fharpaisean, a’ gabhail a-steach òrain Ghàidhlig, bàrdachd, litreachas, dràma, ceòl, dannsa Gàidhealach agus spòrs.   

Agus air iomall a’ Mhòid bidh raon de thachartasan agus chothroman do dhaoine eòlas fhaighinn air agus tlachd fhaighinn à ealain is cultar na Gàidhlig, a’ gabhail a-steach tachartasan do chlann is teaghlaichean, a’ ruith aig an aon àm ri prìomh phrògram a’ Mhòid.  

“’S e cothrom air leth a th’ anns a’ Mhòd gus cultar na Gàidhlig a thaisbeanadh a tha air a bhith a’ soirbheachadh sa bhaile bhon a bha an tachartas an seo ann an 2013. Tha buidhnean leithid na Fèis air nochdadh, tha fìor choimhearsnachd aig cultar na Gàidhlig ann an Siorrachd Rinn Friù agus tha am Mòd na dheagh chothrom a’ choimhearsnachd sin a leasachadh agus a leudachadh,” thuirt Grannd. 

Find out more

A new partnership will see Glasgow Airport become the UK’s first Connected Airport Living Lab.

The lab will test new technologies designed to enhance an inclusive innovation approach to passenger experience, boost productivity and hit sustainability targets.

Connected Places Catapult, the UK’s innovation accelerator for cities, transport, and place leadership, announced a new multi-year partnership with Glasgow Airport to create the UK’s first Connected Airport Living Lab.

The partnership will produce a series of demonstrations and trials of innovative technologies at the airport as the transport hub continues to regrow passenger numbers in tandem with delivering on the commitments outlined in its Sustainability Strategy.

This partnership will put Glasgow Airport at the heart of testing a diverse range of innovations aimed at addressing challenges facing the aviation sector.

The ‘Connected Airport Living Lab’ will play host
to technologies, systems and processes designed to enhance passenger experience and freight

It aims to boost productivity and will accelerate decarbonisation of ground and air operations, including the electrification of flight, the use of hydrogen, automation data analytics and multi-modal connected surface-level access.

The partnership will also support existing collaborations in the region, including the airport and
Catapult’s ongoing involvement with CAELUS (Care & Equity – Healthcare Logistics UAS Scotland),
which is working with NHS Scotland to build the first national drone network that can transport essential medicines, bloods and other medical supplies throughout Scotland including to remote communities.

Central to the Connected Airport Living Lab will be a holistic vision of the airport as a highly-innovative net zero place, that plays an important part in developing the city-region’s skills-base and full economic potential.

The Catapult will use its global reach to highlight international examples of airports successfully integrating amenities such as university campuses, entertainment venues and even vertical farms into their offering.

The five-year partnership will pioneer the approach and plans are in place to roll out the model to other airports as it succeeds.

Andy Cliffe, Chief Executive Officer of AGS Airports, which owns Glasgow Airport, said: “New technologies have the power to transform the experience of everyone who interacts with the airport. As passenger numbers continue to recover after the pandemic, we want to develop a more inclusive passenger experience and as Scotland’s largest cargo airport by freight value, there is an opportunity to grow the volume of imports and exports moving through Glasgow.

“With those opportunities, making Glasgow Airport the UK’s first Connected Airport Living Lab will put us at the forefront of new developments that can make journeys and freight movements smoother. This
partnership also aligns with our own sustainability commitments to balance the undoubted economic and social benefits the airport delivers with our climate change responsibilities.”

World Wetlands Day is celebrated every year on February 2, but visitors to RSPB Lochwinnoch can enjoy the wetlands every day of the year.

We spoke to Robert Conn, Visitor Experience Manager at RSPB Lochwinnoch, who told us more about the nature reserve in Renfrewshire.

Robert said: “As one of the largest remaining wetlands in Southwest Scotland, RSPB Scotland Lochwinnoch provides essential habitats for a vast range of wildlife.

“Last year we recorded 126 different species of birds, this included some pretty rare species such as a black-winged stilt, smew and breeding little ringed plovers.”

Located in the village of Lochwinnoch, the wetland reserve is perfect for enjoying the outdoors or a day out with the family.

It’s home to a range of trails offering spectacular views, birdwatching hides and a fantastic visitor centre.

Plus, kids and families can enjoy hours of fun with the outdoor play area, events and daily drop-in activities across the year.

Robert added: “With our unique location, less than 15 minutes from Paisley and easily accessible by public transport, visitors can enjoy strolling along our accessible trails, using the viewing facilities to spot wildlife, or enjoy a hot drink and sandwich back at the visitor centre.”

Keen wildlife spotters can watch whooper swans, wigeon and a wide variety of ducks during winter months.

The elaborate displays of the great crested grebes in spring are not to be missed.

RSPB Lochwinnoch warden Dan Snowdon said: “Supporting many wintering and breeding birds, the reserve also plays host to spring and autumn migrants on their way to other sites as well as other wetland flora and fauna such as otter and locally rare wetland plants and invertebrates.”

The visitor centre, shop, toilets and birdwatching hides are open daily from 9:30am to 5pm.

Robert added: “RSPB Lochwinnoch welcomes around 25,000 visitors each year.

“We are keen to increase this number through developing the site further as the more people we can attract, the more people we hope will want to help protect important sites like this for the future.”

Find out more about this amazing nature reserve

Lochwinnoch Arts Festival is getting ready to host another series of fantastic events in 2023.

We spoke with with committee member Morag Thow about the festival and its varied and inclusive programme for all ages.

“There’s huge artistic talent within our community and the festival showcases this and ties the local villages together in a cultural way,” says Morag.

“The festival has been running for 21 years now. It originally started as a small, one-day book festival but has grown arms and legs to become a multiple week programme.

“We’re spreading things out across the year and we’ll also have a mini festival across 17-19 March.

“We try and bring quality art, music and performance into the village that are reasonably priced, so people can engage with the arts.”

Here are some of the upcoming events at Lochwinnoch Arts Festival:

Lochwinnoch Films 4U – Angels Share whisky tasting and film night
Friday 20 January

Christine Bovill – Tonight, You Belong to Me
Saturday 18 February

Alan Bissett – Moira in Lockdown
Friday 17 March

Craft Fair
Saturday 18 March

Sinead Aitken Ensemble
Saturday 18 March

Jamie Macdonald Comedy
Sunday 19 March

Ali Affleck
Friday 31 March

Ross Ainslie and Ali Hutton Trio
Friday 9 June

Morag added: “We’ve had a great gig in the village every month since last May with Scotland on Tour, including top jazz, folk and contemporary acts.

“We try to involve local people, acts and musicians where we can and get as much of the community as involved as possible.

“The festival is committee-run and we love putting these events together – we get to hear great live music and performances and it gives people a platform to perform.”

Find out more about the festival and get tickets for upcoming events at the links below.

Jamie Russell, 17, was one of our youth volunteers at the Paisley Halloween Festival 2022 – and here is his report from the festival from a teenager’s point of view.

Plus, scroll down to see some fantastic videos from the event, shot and edited by Jamie’s friend Felicite McIlkenny.

Reports are coming out from Paisley Town Centre of aliens, dragons and comically-large spiders roaming the high street!

Welcome to Paisley Halloween Festival 2022 – a hauntingly heart-warming night for the whole family.

In October, I had the pleasure of travelling around the town during the Paisley Halloween Festival, speaking to local families and businesses about their experience.

Fire dragon at Paisley Halloween Festival 2022

With events spread across the whole of Paisley, local performer Holly Robinson kicked the night off with a beautiful rendition of Adele’s Easy On Me from the main stage.

Puppeteers manned the arms of a frightening spider that travelled the grounds of Paisley, until it nested in its own spider’s lair beside the Town Hall.

Even Renfrewshire Council’s offices weren’t out of the action. Dr. Kronovators Fire Laboratory pyrotechnics display brought a frightening fury to the night on the grass beside Renfrewshire House. There wasn’t a spot where you weren’t surrounded by excitement.

Fire performance with visitors gathered beside Renfrewshire House, Paisley, for Paisley Halloween Festival. Photo by Stuart White

Photo by Stuart White

Families in fantastic costumes could be seen everywhere. My personal favourite was a young father and son dressed as Ash Ketchum and Pikachu. When I spoke to them about what the festival does for Paisley, they said: “It allows a lot of people to come together, meeting up outside, to have some family time with the ones they care about”. When asked if they would return, Ash replied: “Yeah, absolutely.”

All of Paisley was involved in the Halloween Festival. Young people (us included) were all over the rides – the classic Twister, Ghost Train, and a supersonic version of the Waltzer.

Even through its performances, the Halloween Festival supported Scots. Performers came from local drama groups from as far as Edinburgh. I spoke with the father of a young performer, who said his daughter, Robin Gilhoolie, had been preparing for three weeks for the event.

When asked what the festival did for Paisley, he said: “It brings all the community together.”


That’s what’s brilliant about things like Paisley Halloween Festival – it helps everybody get behind Paisley and work together on something great.

Families and businesses from all over Scotland came to be in our town and get engrossed in the fun. The sense of community could be felt everywhere.

I spoke with a young boy named Oliver, 10, who travelled with his mum and two siblings from Port Glasgow. He was so excited to speak to me – I reminded him I wasn’t the BBC. We had just watched Pyroceltica, one of the main performances, and he loved it. He said: “It was absolutely amazing, I don’t know how they actually do it…I’m really impressed.”

I asked him about his festival experience as a visitor to Paisley, and he said: “It’s been really good, I’ve had a lot of fun here… I’ve really enjoyed it.”

I then asked for one word to describe Paisley, and he said “amazing”. His mum agreed and said: “We come every year… it’s free, you can spend as much or little as you want… it’s great.”

Oliver and his family aren’t the only ones who travel to Paisley. Thousands of Scots flock here for the festival every year; creating brilliant opportunities for local business, encouraging them to keep their doors open later, and allowing vendors to travel into the town.

I spoke with two local business owners, Charlotte and Amid from Nomads Coffee, located across from Paisley Museum. It’s a fantastic rustic café who kindly let us in to speak during their chess night. They thought the festival was great for business, as it “brings all kinds of people to Paisley and into the shop…it makes the whole of the town centre feel exciting, and fun…it’s just a great atmosphere.”

They continued: “We opened just after lockdown, so it was quite quiet at the beginning… but more and more the streets are getting busier. More and more customers know us… business is getting stronger and stronger all the time. I feel like Paisley is becoming a more vibrant place.”

They thought Paisley’s cultural offer had helped: They added: “People know Paisley for different reasons. They’re talking about the architecture it has, they’re going to the Abbey, they’re going to the museum. It’s bringing a lot of people in.” Their words to describe Paisley were “eclectic” and “hidden-gem”.

Not far from the High Street, Dunn Square was transformed into a food market. Before the festival launched, I spoke with the owner of the “Churros, Baby?” food-truck, who had travelled from Hamilton to be at the festival.

I asked about the positive impacts of festivals like Paisley Halloween. They said: “Any community event, especially if its free is great… as people have that little extra bit of money to spend, it brings the people out. The organisers have been really helpful… its been really nice”.

“We’ve been speaking to a few people today who saw photos from last night and didn’t know it was on but are going to come and bring their kids over because it looks so good.” Her one word to describe Paisley was, “colourful”.

Fire performer at Paisley Halloween Festival 2022

It was brilliant speaking to all these people about their experience with the festival, but what about what goes on behind the scenes? I spoke with one of the performers from Pyroceltica, an incredible fusion of traditional Scottish ceilidh dancing with fire, dubbed Celtic Fire Theatre.

For the past twelve years, they’ve toured Scotland and abroad. They had only performed the Halloween Festival show seven or eight times, but rehearsed it for over a year. The performance was flawless, and they were a clear crowd-favourite.

He said: “It’s always one of the biggest factors. You’ve got to entertain the people, there’s a bunch of tricks that you know will always get the big reactions.”

That was certainly true, as the crowd was extremely interactive with the performance responding with cheers and claps. When asked what he thought the festival did for Paisley, he was extremely enthusiastic on its positive effect. He said: “It’s amazing… it looks brilliant, everybody’s done such a good job on the setup and making it all look great. The last one we were at in 2019, was amazing. The quality of the production was just full marks.”

Paisley Town Hall decorated for Paisley Halloween Festival 2022

Paisley Halloween Festival not only was a highlight for families, but every person we saw, was having a great time. Felicite McIlkenny and I, who volunteered at the festival together were extremely thankful for the opportunity Renfrewshire Council and their team gave us, but also happy to have had such a fun time.

Events like the Halloween Festival are so crucial for Paisley as echoed by every person we spoke to. It brings the community together in all sorts of different ways whether through the public visiting with their families and friends, performers, vendors, businesses, volunteers – everyone comes together to create something very special.

We saw first-hand behind the scenes of what occurs, and the events-planning and organisational minds behind the festival are fantastic at what they do. Paisley is a brilliant place to be.

Local figure skating talent – Lacey Millar (9) – has been sharing her love for her sport and her excitement for the festive season. 

The Lochfield Primary School Pupil, who officially opened the Paisley’s Christmas ice-rink this year alongside Santa, started skating when she was four years old and currently trains five times a week in East Kilbride.

Lacey is also part of the Great Britain Development Team – being part of the squad means she attends training camps with other figure skaters from across the UK where she is fitness tested and monitored by The National Ice Skating Association (NISA).

Skater Lacey Millar sitting on a festive bobble at the Paisley's Christmas ice rink

Lacey said: “Doing spinning on the ice is my favourite thing to do – I love doing them and I think it’s the skill I’m best at. I want to keep skating and learn more skills on the ice.

“I go to training in East Kilbride five times a week, so I need to get up really early to make sure I get my training in. It will be good to have the ice rink in Paisley this Christmas so I can practice closer to my home.”

“I’m really looking forward to Christmas this year and getting lots of presents from Santa – I’m not sure what I would like but I’m looking forward to surprises.”

Find out what's on at Paisley's Christmas

A giant spider will be on the loose in Paisley town centre this Halloween, ready to pounce on anyone who dares approach its lair…

But don’t worry, it’s just one of the many attractions being lined up for Paisley Halloween Festival, which takes place next week.

The Future Paisley programme is helping fund its community participation and volunteering work, with a wide range of local groups helping design parts of the festival programme, and taking part in the event itself.

The free-to-attend Halloween event is on over three evenings from Thursday 27 to Saturday 29 October (6pm to 9pm each night). It has grown to be one of the biggest and best of its kind in the UK and tens of thousands are expected to join us in Paisley town centre for the event.

We are proud the festival can act as a platform for Renfrewshire’s creative groups to showcase their talents, and work with and learn from some of the professional performers who will feature.

Starlight Musical Theatre pose with giant spider puppet which will appear at Paisley Halloween Festival 2022

The photos in this article show the young people of Starlight Youth Music Theatre, based in Paisley’s west end, bringing to life one of the unique installations specially created for the festival – a giant spider puppet which will sit in its own lair in Abbey Close complete with luminous eggs.

The spider was inspired by the legendary story of Robert the Bruce and ‘try, try and try again’ – a nod to Paisley’s historic royal links, with his daughter Marjorie buried in the Abbey and his grandson – the future King James II of Scotland – having being born there.

Maria Wilson, of Starlight Youth Music Theatre, said: “The group for this are aged 14-20. They are all very excited about it. Working with a gigantic puppet has been a challenge because we’ve had to get all the puppeteers working together to make sure we move as realistically as possible and to be able to move together – so it’s been great for building teamwork.

“They’ve never worked with a puppet before – normally they do singing and dancing and everything is choreographed – but for this there’s not really a script so they’re going to have to improvise on the night, which will be fun.”

Artist Kelly Walsh at Paisley Halloween Festival 2022 community workshop

One of the other attractions will be a tarot-card-inspired installation, Superhero Spotlight: Everyday Heroes, created by local young people and celebrating the heroic acts of people in their everyday lives, as well as their own everyday heroic acts, supported by artist Ruby Pester.

Our photos also show some of the young people connected to Renfrewshire Carers’ Centre working with Ruby on their contribution to the artwork.

Young people connected to Renfrewshire Carers’ Centre working on designs for Paisley Halloween Festival 2022

Other groups who have been involved include: ArtBoss, Kibble, 33rd Gleniffer Scouts, Disability Resource Centre, Gateway Service at Spinners Gate, Create Paisley, PACE Youth Theatre, Right2Dance, Jennifer Scott Dance, and Community Circus Paisley, as well as several local primary and secondary schools from throughout Renfrewshire.

Find out more about Paisley Halloween Festival

In his final blog, local writer and Cam Procter leaves the bike at home and heads out on a walking microadventure exploring Johnstone’s Bluebell Woods and the Gleniffer Braes. 

If you’re in the mood to spend some time out in the woods, there are several distinct but connected woodlands in Johnstone that are great for exploring! Each of the separate woodlands has its own network of trails, but our route takes you up through each of these woods, and the trail is perfect for both walking and running.

Bardrain Woods Johnstone ©Cam Procter

The route starts at Johnstone train station, which is only a four-minute journey from Paisley Gilmour St. Exit the train station the back way (onto Springfield Park) and head south until you find yourself on Auchenlodment Road. About 400 yards down this road, you’ll notice a small, black sign on your right that reads ‘Bluebell Woods’. Cut in here to join the trail.

This section is easygoing and mostly wooded. As its bound on all sides by houses, it can be quite busy, but the route does get much quieter as you go. As you follow the trail along, you’ll start to head uphill; eventually, the trees give way to a field of ferns. A little trek through these ferns brings you to a road.

Bardrain Woods Path ©Cam Procter

Directly across the road, the Windy Hill segment begins. Although wooded at the start, the ferns soon return as you climb higher. You’ll soon notice a small river valley to your left, and if you look behind you, you’ll be treated to a nice view down this valley and over Paisley. However, the best view is yet to come, so press on!

Along this track, you’ll come to a short descent that leads to a bridge, which then takes you to the other side of the river. Once across, there’s a steep climb back up into the trees. This climb is quite long and contains a few switchbacks. However, it soon flattens out—and stays flat. Up here, the tree cover is sparser, providing some fantastic views over to the north. On a clear day, you can see as far as the Trossachs!

Bardrain Woods View ©Cam Procter

Follow the trail along until you come to a gate. There’s a thick forest ahead, and our route takes you up into these trees. However, if you’re enjoying the views, you can follow the trail straight ahead to skirt around them instead.

At the end of this path, you’ll come to the A737, just across from the Car Park in the Sky. This is where our route starts to head back, but if you’re in for a longer adventure, you can cross the road to enter the Gleniffer Braes Country Park. Whenever you do decide to head back, take care on the descent, as it can be quite slippery when wet.

Bardrain Woods Gleniffer Braes ©Cam Procter

Route notes:

Distance (from Johnstone train station): 7.5 miles / 12 kilometres

Time: Allow 3.5-5 hours if walking, including snack breaks

Terrain: Trail (not including the short segment near the train station)

Special kit: Grippy walking or trail running shoes; parts of this trail are steep and can be slippery when wet

Highlights: Bluebell Woods, Windy Hill, Bardrain Wood, Gleniffer Braes

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